How We Operate

Some Things We Do…

  • Rainwater catch basin (overflow from barrels) helps retain moisture in soil.

    We pay attention to soil. Healthy soil contains a good balance of mycorrhizal
    fungi, microbes and macro-invertebrates. This means amending less-than-ideal soil with good compost or finding other ways to balance its composition for the plants desired.

  • We pay attention to how water moves. In Central Texas, water can be scarce, or it can move through like a freight train. Creating forms to capture water in soil, or move it more slowly through a landscape, can make a huge difference in the design’s success… all without flooding important structures!
  • We reuse as much as we can. Soil can be moved around and amended. Leaves can be tilled into soil as an amendment. Rock can be rearranged into new forms. Pavers can be cleaned up and redeployed in new patterns. Old soil, broken rock and concrete can be used as backfill.

Some Things We Don’t Do…

  • We don’t use filter fabric. This plastic material is marketed as a way of stopping weeds and preventing erosion. It does neither. Instead, it allows tough weeds to grow through, kills soil microbes and other life, and rarely prevents erosion of pathways. All while costing a lot.
  • We don’t mortar walls or pathways together. We like to keep surfaces as permeable as possible. We use a lot of decomposed granite as our “mortar.” While it can harden enough to withstand most use, it also can remain permeable and can be reworked later.  
  • We never plant invasive species. Ligustrum, nandina, elephant ears, etc… Nope.
  • We don’t take shortcuts. If something will look better or last longer, but take a few hours longer to do, we’re going to recommend it.